To ensure ALL those who respond to an Altar Call receive from our Lord. It is the utmost importance for individuals who come to the altar, be pointed in the direction of Jesus and God's will as the source for all their needs. Our main purpose is for souls to be saved.
The Altar Ministry serves as a critical link for those seeking answers to life’s tough questions and for those who desire a meaningful life change. The Altar is a source of encouragement and a place of prayer support. Our Altar Ministry Team is equipped with the wisdom and knowledge of God to communicate the message of Christ in a way, which is easily understood and with a heart of compassion.
At New Hope everyone is loved. We consistently provide the opportunity for people to give their life to Christ. The greatest event of a person’s life is when they come to the altar. It may be for salvation, rededication, baptism, prayer or to unite with the church. The Altar Ministry realizes the importance of this time.